Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I have always made it a point of duty to both eavesdrop on some medical conversations, and ask my colleagues how their day went. This helps me exercise my knowledge of illnesses and gather experience as well. And truth be told, I am usually caught between shocked or not, after such encounters. We cover a lot under the clothes we wear. For the benefit of everyone, I think you should take heed.
A young guy walks up to a female doctor colleague and requests to see a male doctor. She directs him to one. He is impatient and, even though the male doctor is interacting with a patient, he requests to see him. He was declined and told to wait for his turn.
Now his turn, what was his complaint? He said he had genital warts. I just had pause a bit to re-examine this young ‘bad’ guy from head to toe. No wonder he wanted to see a male doctor. He would have felt shame exposing this explosive secret to the female doctor, who might as well be his next victim on her way from work. Sometimes I pity vulnerable ladies. This guy was tall, dark, handsome, donning a white fitting t-shirt exposing his arm and forearm tattoo, Burberry knee-length shorts, a pair of Nike slippers, clean shaven, and 23yrs old, so you could imagine the energy in the swagger. He is the typical ladies’ man. But I had already learnt a long time ago that all that glitters is not gold, and I am always reminded of this whenever I have had to appreciate beauty, just so I don’t get carried away. You should too….
My colleague begins to question the not-so-charming young man after all. He acquired it from a chic he had a stint with 4 years ago (he even knew) after ravaging passion forced them to throw caution and safety to the wind. Since then he has been on the run from her, even though she keeps calling her boo back. They certainly had a memorable horse ride. The poor boy had sought solution since then and all the treatments he had received failed, leaving him frustrated, thereby compelling him to vow to continue catching and riding horses, though he claims to be playing safe this time. But frustration from his reality keeps sending him back to hospitals to seek cure.
“Genital warts are caused by a virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the same one that causes cervical cancer in females who have not taken the vaccine. The chic probably didn’t even know she had it as at the time you acquired it”, the medic explained to him. “It can be silent or symptomatic. The girl’s infection was probably asymptomatic, while you got it and became symptomatic with the rash-like lesions you have below your glans.” “Sometimes the lesions can be stubborn enough to last for a really long time, while sometimes the individual’s system may be able to clear the virus within 2 years in many cases. I think you have just been a bit unlucky.” The doctor begs him again, “Please spare the ladies for the mean time till these rashes disappear. You can’t continue to collect ‘head’ like this. You put lives at risk that way. Imagine your sister in their position. A ‘head’ can lead to the victim acquiring mouth and/or throat cancer from HPV infection. HPV in the female genitals can instantly progress to cervical cancer, a lot faster than it can cause further harm to you the guy. It is very unfair. You are also not spared by the way. You can complicate your case if you acquire an extra virus from anywhere. If in your quest for revenge you acquire HIV or Hepatitis B virus, the quality of your life changes automatically. Then you will really hate yourself.” At this point he sat back in his chair, his frustration better pronounced. “But don’t worry this will pass. It may only take some more time.” He was then referred to a Urologist and Gynaecologist to explore other non-pharmacologic options.
I felt a streak of cold impinge on my marrow after this conversation. And even though i have seen and heard a lot as a doctor, I still shrivel at such encounter. This is how people call and acquire death upon them, I thought. Abstinence cannot be overemphasised. Zip everywhere up. All that glitters is not gold.

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