Creative minds don’t just feed themselves. We don’t just wake up every day with a pile of creativity gushing out of every pore. Sometimes we might wake up with a brilliant idea but even then, if we don’t write it down or tell someone, chances are that idea might drift off as the day progresses. So I was thinking – what do we need to help us stay creative? Here’s what I came up with…
107 ways to inspire creativity
from things you need, to places you go and things you do, there’s always something nearby that can be a potential creative idea starter. I’m sure there’s a ton more, so if I’ve missed something, please holler and I’ll add your ideas to the list too!
Objects, supplies and materials to inspire creativity
Having things around the house or the office to inspire your creativity can be so helpful. Sometimes just staring at something for a moment will spark an idea. How many of these items do you already own or maybe even have within arms reach right now?
- Scissors
- tape
- glue
- pencils
- pens
- crayons
- colored pencils
- paint
- kids water color paints
- stamps
- music
- movies
- tv
- nature
- sunshine
- friends
- phone calls
- books
- magazines
- websites
- games
- food
- recipes
- glitter
- buttons
- cardboard
- wood
- musical instruments
- chalk
- camera
- chop sticks
- paint brushes
- sewing machine
- newspaper
- calendar
- kids
– I could go on an on on this one, just about anything can inspire creativity if you stop and ask the questions.
Things to do to inspire creativity
Every experience we have inspires a thought and potentially an idea. The more we experience, the more ideas and views we can pull from when trying to come up with something new. Even the little day to day tasks, if done a bit different just today, can spark a new idea for tomorrow. How many of the following activities have you done or do regularly?
- Window shopping
- walking
- biking
- yoga
- get off your butt and move
- reading
- listening to music
- listening to books
- watching movies
- sitting in the sunshine
- people watching
- story telling
- camping
- roasting marshmallows
- cloud gazing
- traveling
- making art
- going to a museum, event or other activity
- picnicking at the park
- cook
- eat something new
- try something new
- think of trying or eating or doing something new
- day dream
- sleep, nap, rest
- eat breakfast
- call a friend
- write a note
- search Google on a topic that interests you
- try Googles “I feel Lucky” option and follow that path
- Follow recommended links from websites you already like
- go to the library and browse a random aisle
- experiment with new spices or mixing flavors you already like
- try a new ice cream flavor
- part your hair different
- get a new hair cut
- turn your favorite shirt inside out and wear it that way all day
- write down all the interesting comments people say for a week
- keep a journal
- keep a journal of just ideas
– again an endless list. Instead of participating and taking the experience for face value, stop and really get involved, soak it up and ask questions as you go… try that tiny taste of something new or watch your kids mix the colors to make a gross muddy brown, you never know what will be discovered from the moment you stop to try.
Words to inspire creativity
I think sometimes we get so caught up in what creativity is supposed to be, we forget what creativity really is. Here are some words you can throw into your day to help you think outside the typical bubble you might be stuck in. Use these words as a question and see what you come up with.
- color
- sound
- smell
- perspective
- view
- opinion
- think
- thoughts
- texture
- feel
- goal
Question starters to inspire creativity
Most often new ideas come from asking a question. Create a “problem” that needs an answer and you might come up with answers you didn’t expect. The first step is asking a question the second step is allowing yourself to explore new, maybe even ridiculous answers. Don’t ask questions that that require you to decide if something will work or not and don’t assume an idea is bad. In hindsight, I’m sure good ol’ Ben Franklin would not recommend standing out in the middle of a lightening storm with metal in his hand.
- What if…
- Did you know…
- What would happen…
- What do you think…
- Remember when…
- What did you see…
- What do you hear…
- What’s that smell…
- How does that taste…
- When…
- how does that feel…
Things to make and ways to organize your ideas to inspire creativity
Sometimes collecting ideas, dreams, wishes, favorites and other pieces we already like can inspire something new. Here are some ideas of things you can put together to help keep those creative juices flowing and ideas growing.
- A dream board
- A collage of ideas
- A doodle page
- A music mix (aka “mixed tape” from the 80s)
- A new recipe
- A Pinterest board (I’m adding new boards all the time)
- A creative ideas notebook
- A journal of ideas
- A sketchbook
There are so many ways you can help inspire creativity with yourself, your kids and others you want to create with. You don’t need to be a professional crafter nor an artist to find your creativity and discover ways to use it every day. You just need to be willing to explore new ideas and try something different.
I’d love to hear how you find creative inspiration and what fun things you’ve created!